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Уцелевшая коллекция живописи с котиками
В зависимости от настроения и отсутствия связи я рисовала портреты друзей по фотографиям и авторские абстракции. Но в 2022, аккаунт @kotokist в ныне запрещенной к упоминанию соцсети был заблокирован
из-за недопонимания между мной и ее администраторами
2020 год
Начало пандемии. Жизнь не выходя из однокомнатной квартиры в мегаполисе. Беременность. Карьерный взлет.
  • 8
    месяцев ежедневного рисования
    и партия из 65 проданных шопперов
  • 234
    иллюстрации и нескончаемое желание продолжать
  • 1.5
    часа в среднем уходит на одну картинку
Май, 2020
Начало и прощупывание своих возможностей для ежедневного ритуала рисования.
P. Radimov. Milkmaid from Tejen. 1936
E. Spandikov. It's me. 1910-1911
K. Malevich. Woman in yellow hat (with cat in butterfly) 1908
A. Lentulov. A woman-guitar. 1913
P. Kuznetcov. Portrait of the artist Bebutova. 1922
F. Picabia. Kokolo. 1938
V. Gogh. Arman Rulen. 1888
A. Lentulov. Self-portrait. 1913
K. Malevich. Working woman. 1933
N. Altman. A. Achmatova. 1915
D. Burluk. Portrait of the futurist poet Vasily Kamensky. 1917
E. Guro. Woman in a scarf (Scandinavian Princess). 1910
P. Picasso. Woman with crossed arms. 1901-1902
A. Lentulov. Le Grand Peintre. 1915
D. Gorelyshev. Vladimir Tatlin. 2018
I. Mashkov. Portrait of woman in chair. 1913
А. Yavlensky. Choreographer A. Sakharova 1909
А. Yavlensky. Girl in a gray apron. 1909
А. Yavlensky Shokko. 1910
N. Goncharova. Boy with a rooster. 1910
N. Goncharova. Peasant woman from Tula. 1910
A. Silin. Lilya Brik. 1912
Во время поиска новых картин все чаще начинают появляться конкретные художники.
H. Rousseau. Football players. 1908
N. Pirosmani. Margarita the actress. 1909
M. Larionov. Jewish Venus. 1912
H. Rousseau. Woman's portrait. 1865
С. Bombois. La gitana. 1935
A. Modigliani. Mario Varvolii. Portrait. 1919-1920
P. Picasso. Portrait of Mateo Fernandes de Soto. 1901
P. Picasso. La buveuse d'absinthe. 1901
P. Gauguin. Woman with Plants. 1929
V. Manuel Garcia. Tropical Gypsy. 1929
S. Datema. I wait for you. 2016
V. Oreshnikov. I.S. Kovaleva. 1964
V. Serov. Portrait of M. Akimova. 1908
Z. Serebryakova. Self-Portrait in a lilac blouse . 1907
H. Matisse. Portrait of Pierre Matisse . 1909
F. Khalo. Portrait of woman in white . 1930
A. Sumarokova. Sleeping Serge in the wheat. 2020
G. Munter. Portrait of Yavlensky. 1909
A. Kodzhak. Woman's portrait in red jacket. 1950
Z. Serebryakova. Portrait of Eugene Eigel. 1909
Kes van Dongen. Portrait of Dolly 1907
N. Lermontova. Portrait of Pablo Kazals. 1913
A. Sumarokova. Me. myself & i with my great grey heart. 2020
A. Yavlensky. Mistic heads. 1917
V. Tatlin. Peasant woman. 1911
D. Shterenberg. Portrait of Lilya Brick. 1910s
R. Falk. Self-portrait. 1917
O. Rozanova. Womans portrait. 1910-1912
F. Hodler. Portrait of Jenna Ceriani. 1853-1918
Именно в этом месяце я приобрету свою первую аудиторию и начну думать об изготовлении
сумок-шопперов с картинами, и котами, конечно же.
K. Makovsky. Little girl in shawl. 1876
P. Gogen. Louis Rouah. 1893
K. Pissarro. Portrait of Jeanne. 1893
B. Morisot. Childrens. 1893
P. Gauguin. Portrait of young woman. 1896
P. Gauguin. Portrait of a man with a lavalier. 1888
E. Munch. Inger Munch. Portrait of artist's sister. 1892
P. Picasso. Madame Soler's portrait. 1903
E. Kozlov. Portrait of Timur Novikov with bony arms. 1988
V. Serov. Portrait of Korovin. 1966
Private collection. Portrait of young woman. 1909
Z. Serebryakova. Portrait of Zhenya Serebryakov. 1909
F. Hodler. Woman in Ecstasy. 1911
F. Hodler. Portrait of a woman. 1887
F. Hodler. Portrait of Gertrud Muller. 1912
A. Modigliani. Lolotte. 1916
P. Modersohn-Becker. Portrait of an approximately 12-year-old Italian girl. 1906. Expressionism.
W. Merritt Chase. Self-portrait. 1883. Impressionism
E. Dega Teresa Degas, sister of the artist. Madame Edmond Morbilli. 1863. Impressionism
J. Václav Mrkvička. Portrait of a young woman. 1912
L. J. V Wyczółkowski. Self-portrait of a young woman. 19??. Impressionism
U. Mehoffer Meduza. 1904. Symbolism
W. Holman. Hunt The Birthday. (A portrait of the Artist's wife). 1868. Romantism
J. Bradly. Young Boy Feeding Rabbits. 1831. Native art
H. Julien Félix Rousseau. Self Portrait from L'ile Saint Louis. 1890. Native art
M. Larionov. Portrait De Natalia Goncharova. 1907. Native art
O. Rozanova. The Portrait of A.Rozanov. 1912. Cubism
R. Linder. Angel in me. 1912. Mechanic cubism
I. Mashkov. Portrait of Z.D.R. (Woman in blue). 1927. Postimpressionism
Уверенно закрыли первый квартал и двигаемся дальше.
Major Sir William Newenham Montague Orpen. Self-Portrait painting Sowing New Seed. 1913. Postimpressionism
S. Wyspiański. Wladyslawa Ordon. 19?? Art Nouveau (Modern)
P. Gauguin. Madame Roulin. 1888. Cloisonism
Fayum. Mummy Portrait. 120 Hellenistic
Х. Martinez. Self-portrait. 1902. Tonalism
N. Bogdanov-Belsky. Portrait of A.K. Gorchakov. 1904. Realism
J. Rippl-Rónai. Woman in ink Dress and Black Collar. 1915. Symbolism
J. Rippl-Rónai. Aristide Maillol. 1899. Symbolism
Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli da Castelfranco). Gentiluomo con un libro. 1510. High revival
C. J. Brack. The new house. 1953. Expressionism
L. Freud. The hotel room. 1954. Expressionism
M. Saryan. Self-portrait. 1909. Expressionism
V. Maksimovich. The kiss. 1909. Art Nouveau (Modern)
K. Somov. Blue Bird. 1918. Symbolism
Gabriel Cornelius Ritter von Max. Ophelia. 187? Romantism
С. Maurin. Portrait de Francois-Rupert Carabin. 1892. Postimpressionosm
С. Maurin Jeune. Femme Au Chat. 1899. Postimpressionosm
G. Pauli. Hanna in a Blue Dress (Portrait of the Artist's Wife). 1896. Symbolism
C. Amiet. Apfelernte. 1919. Expressionism
H. Simberg. Garden of the dead. 1896. Symbolism
T. Sallinen. Omakuva. 1932. Expressionism
A. Böcklin. Spring. 1875. Symbolism
J. Johnson. Portrait of an African American Man. 1820. Primitivism
Maurice de Vlaminck. The bar counter. 1900. Postimpressionosm
Maurice de Vlaminck. The girl at rat mort. 1905. Fauvism
V. Vereshagin. Portrait of a bacha. 1867. Orientalism
M. Shagal. Peasant life (groom with a whip). 1917. Expressionism
M. Shagal. Portrait of the Artist's Sister (Anyuta). 1910. Expressionism
M. Shagal. Lovers in pink. 1916. Cubism
Рисовать каждый день на автомате и часами рассматривать биографии малоизвестных художников – ежедневный творческий процесс
Pierre-Cécile Puvis de Chavannes. Mary Magdalene in the Desert. 1869. Symbolism
O. Redon. La couronne. 1910. Symbolism
George Caleb Bingham. Mrs. David Steele Lamme and Son, William Wirt. 1837. Primitivism
Marianne von Werefkin. Abandoned. 1907. Expressionism
Gustave de Smet. Hoofd Van Een Jonge Vrouw. 1914. Expressionism
Edvard Munch. The boy and whore. 1893. Expressionism
Egon Schiele Reclining. Woman with Red Blouse. 1908. Expressionism
Emile Nolde. Women and Pierrot. 1917. Expressionism
Otto Muller. Liebespaar (der Künstler Und Irene Altmann). 1919. Expressionism
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Selbstbildnis als Soldat. 1915. Expressionism
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Sitting girl. 1910. Expressionism
P. Gauguin. Сlovis. 1886. Postimpressionism
P. Gauguin. Areoi's seed. 1892. Postimpressionism
Fanos Terlemezyan Թերլեմեզյան Փանոս Պողոսի Ակսել Բակունցի դիմանկարը. 1932. Realism
Eugeniusz Żak. Portrait of a Young Woman in a Hat (Jadwiga Zak). 1913. Postimpressionism
Maurice Denis. Sleeping woman. 1892. Postimpressionism
山村 豊成 Ichikawa Shocho II as Oman. 1920. Art of the Japanese Print
Arman Manukya.n Hawaiian woman. 1929. Naive art
Arman Manukyan. Polinesian girl. 19?? Naive art
Lourdes Castro. Ananas Tropical. 1970. Pop art
Amrita Sher-Gill / ਅੰਿਮ੍ਤਾ ਸ਼ੇਰਗਿਲ Two women. 1930-1945. Postimpressionism
Meijer Isaac de Haan. Self-portrait. 1891. Postimpressionism
John Bradley. Portrait of Catherine Raychel Cole. 1833. Native art
John Etkinson Grimmson. Snowbound. 1883& Symbolism
Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse. Goldfish. 1911. Postimpressionism
Martiros Saryan& Portrait of Nina Komurdzhyan. 1917& Expressionism
Martiros Saryan. Persian woman. 1910. Expressionism
Julio Romero de Torres. Tristeza Andaluza. 19?? Realism
Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse. Green bar. 1905. Fauvism
Horace Pippin. Self-portrait. 1941. Primitivism
Мастера живописи разных эпох, много Пиросмани и странных скандинавов
P. Gauguin. Mimi et son chat. 1890. Postimpressionism
Alfred Krupa. My tired son Mladen. 1975. Postimpressionism
George Catlin. Sha-kó-ka (mint), a Mandan girl. 1832. Postimpressionism
Rafael Zabaleta Fuentes. Portrait of seated brunette. 1832. Postimpressionism
Antonio Laccabue. Self-portrait. 195? Native art
Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse. The dance II. 1910. Fauvism
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Head of the Painter (Self-portrait). 1925. Expressionism
Niko Pirosmani. Woman with beer. 1905. Native art
Niko Pirosmani. Shota Rustaveli. 19?? Native art
Niko Pirosmani. Sister of Mercy. 19?? Native art
Kees van Dongen. Portrait de Fernande Olivier. 1905. Fauvisme
Kees van Dongen. Woman with cat. 1908. Fauvisme
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa. Yvette Guilbert. 1895. Modern
Harry Phelan Gibb. Three Gracec. 1911. Postimpressionism
André Derain. Portrait of Lucien Gilbert. 1906. Expressionism
Hugo Simberg. The Wounded Angel. 1903. Symbolism
Hugo Simberg. Frost. 1905. Symbolism
George Laks. A clown. 1929. New realism
Walter Darby Bannard Hopewell. Valley Sun. 1959. New realism
Periklis Visantios. Self-portrait. 1926. Postimpressionism
Irma Stern. Portrait of a Pondo Woman. 1929. Impressionism
Irma Stern. Banana Carrier. 1946. Postimpressionism
Irma Stern. Woman with Hibiscus. 1956. Postimpressionism
Irma Stern. Henri-Émile-Benoît Matisse. 1905. Fauvism
John Duncan Fergusson. Le voile Persan. 1909. Fauvism
Guan Zilan. Portrait of a Girl. 1929. Fauvism
Pablo Picasso. Child with dove. 1901. Postimpressionism
Amedeo Clemente Modigliani. The Jewish woman. 1909. Impressionism
Amedeo Clemente Modigliani. Amazon woman. 1909. Impressionism
Nicolae Tonitza. Little girl. 1928. Impressionism
Продолжаем эксперименты с цветом и композицией
Yanis Tcaruchis (Γιάννης Τσαρούχης) Version of a Portrait with Paper Flowers. 1934. Impressionism
Moïse Kisling. Portrait with collar. 1938. Impressionism
Béla Kádár. Portrait of a Woman with Black Hair. 1938. Expressionism
Berta Morizo. Julie Daydreaming. 1894. Impressionism
Louisa Matthíasdóttir. Girl with sheep. 1982. Expressionism
Friedrich Stowasser. Arab. 1955. Transavtomatism
David Scott. The Vintager. 1835. Romantism
Clarence Holbrook Carter. Over and Above #13. 1964. Magic realism
Edith Vonnegut. Falling. 19?? Native art
Louisa Matthíasdóttir. Girl with Blaze. 1991. Expressionism
Alexej Georgewitsch von Jawlensky. Self-portrait. 1912. Expressionism
 Emir Zeid. 1967. Expressionism
Sarah Stern. Portrait of Philomene. 1907. Fauvism
Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Lyli's portrait. 1873. Romantism
Helene Sofia Schjerfbeck. Portrait of a Girl in Blue and Brown (Inez). 1944. Expressionism
国吉 康雄 Bather with Cigarette. 1924. Expressionism
Nicolae Tonitza Clown. 1925. Expressionism
Tom Roberts. Sergeant R.D. Fraser, Mounted Rifles. 1896. Impressionism
Marianne Stokes. Slovak Girl. 1905. Modern
Karlos Botello. Me father. 1937. Expressionism
Nikolae Vermont. The red scarf. 1925. Realism
Nikos Nikolau. Portrait of a woman. 20 century. Expressionism
Walter Whall Battiss. Bird on foot. 20 century. Figurative painting
Fernando Bottero. Archangel. 1986. Native art
Fernando Bottero. Musician. 1983. Native art
Théophile Alexandre Steinlen. Little Girl With Cat. 1889. Modern
Boris Grigorev. A Lady in Black. 1917. Expressionism
鏑木 清方 Bijin in Red Kimono. 199? Sin Hanga
Pieter Paul Rubens. Le Chapeau de paille. 1622-1625. Barocco
Mary Cassat .Baby bath. 1893. Japanism
Полное отсутствие настроения, куча горящих проектов по работе, конец первого триместра беременности
Antonello da Messina. Portrait of a man. 1473 Historic art
Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa. Dans le Lit, le Baiser. 1892. Postimpressionism
Michel Larionov. Katsap Venus. 1912. Native art
Natal Altma.n Self-portrait. 1911. Vanguard
Archibald Motley. Mulatress with Figurine and Dutch Seascape. 1920. Art déco
Robert Mangold. Split Ring Image 1. 2009. Abstraction
George Catlin. Hól-te-mál-te-téz-te-néek-ee. 1834. Realism
Ștefan Luchian. Mărioara. 1834. Impressionism
Jean Paul Lemieux. Le champ de trèfles. XX. Expressionism
Helene Sofia Schjerfbeck. Rosy-Cheeked Girl. 1927. Expressionism
Julius Mordecai Pincas. Portrait of Hermine David. 1910. Expressionism
Rosenthal Konstantin. Portrait of Teodor Arion. 1848. Romantism
Tomas Maldonado. The fall and wake of Tim Finnegan. 2005. Abstraction
August Make. Portrait of Elisabeth in hat. 1909. Expressionism
Ion Theodorescu-Sion. Red Muslin. 1931. Postimpressionism
Kaoru Kawano. Сhild and mask. 1955. Postimpressionism
Helene Sofia Schjerfbeck. Self-portrait with Black Background. 1915. Expressionism
Paul Jacoulet. La Poetesse Indienne. 1941. Postexpressionism
Aldemir Martins. Perfil de Mulher. 1967. Native art
Willi Baumeister. Tori. 1938. Abstraction
William Scott. Louise. 1939 Expressionism
David Burluk. Drunkard. 1920. Postimpressionism
John Duncan Fergusson. Le Manteau Chinois. 1909. Fauvism
Lin Femmyan 林風眠 Lady. 19?? Postimpressionism
Zhāng Xiǎogāng. Little navy. 2007. Magic realism
Rafael Zabaleta Fuentes. Bathers on the beach in Santander. 1955. Magic realism
Rupprecht Geiger. 586/69 (Gerundetes Rot). 1969. Abstraction
Kazimir Malevich. Study for a portrait of a peasant. 1912. Native art
Ellsworth Kelly. Blue on white. 1961. Abstraction
Anita Catarina Malfatti. Tropical. 1917. Postimpressionism
Eugène Henri Paul Gauguin. Te tamari no atua. 1896. Postimpressionism
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